Wednesday, 26 January 2011

this is blasphemous...
well im not sure as i use this word alot...
and usually in the wrong context...

Sunday, 23 January 2011

its scrubs sunday...
i suggest everyone should acquire some scrubs...
as they are the comfiest things...
perfect for tea drinking...
and film watching...

Friday, 21 January 2011

bootiful fridays...
is a something new...
i will try to post something beautiful or interesting...
every friday...
alongside a link to some beautiful music...

this is a stencil of mary poppins...
by a nursery...
i find it very ironic...
which im sure is the intention...
i walk past it alot but today was the first time id seen it...
on this very sunny beautiful day...

so this is the bootiful song...
the video is lovely and colourful...
it manages to achieve a disjointed flow...
and i cant wait to see four tet at bloc...

Thursday, 13 January 2011

future memories...
final magazine layout...
aimed for the unique readers of oh comely...
(if i was professional...)
personally im not sold on every page...
but i needed to show my styling...
which i forget about when im shooting...
again thank you to the lovely jess...
and anyone who lent me clothes...
or equipment...
and to the nice security guard at aardman...

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

bristol docks...
is one a my special places...
having a drink by the fini...
or celebrating on thekla...
but honestly...
its best when the sun is going down...
and all i have is a camera in my hand...

Monday, 10 January 2011

sneak peak...
jess was a star...
who admittedly looked like a clown...
but kept her cool amongst bristol wonderers...
not sure if i'll stay with the over exposed...
but who knows...
life is one big experimentation...